Thursday, September 29, 2016


Joseph here, and I am in the midst of what seems like an impossible dream. I never imagined going on a trip like this. Too expensive, too much work, too crazy of an idea.  Ten months?  That’s too much time away from home, the people I love, and the things I love doing.  I absolutely despised the idea when they first told me three years ago, but I eventually grew out of it when I realized how school is so stressful. In order to plan something like this journey, one must be a bit crazy, and my parents are just that!

As soon as we packed the car and drove away, I missed home. My friends and family have been on my mind ever since I said goodbye to them, and it hurts to know I have eight months left away from them. Hopefully, it will be totally worth the experience, and I will continue to learn amazing things about this world and my life.

Ireland, England, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Germany, and the Czech Republic.  These are all places we have been so far in a month and a half.  If I were to assemble a top three, I would have to go with: 3. France 2. Czech Republic 1. Spain.  France is great because of  Paris and Normandy.  Paris had so much history, and going up on the Eiffel Tower is one of the best moments of my life.  Normandy was a very powerful place. I have learned about D-Day in school and have seen movies about it, but being there was something I’ll always cherish.  I was standing on the beach where thousands of Americans died in a horrible manner to protect our freedom.  Prague in the Czech Republic is so cool to me because it is well preserved and unaffected by bombs from wars. It's like walking through a town in the medieval times with its old buildings and old decorations.  Spain was my favorite because of the beach and how cool a city Barcelona is.  It is like a bigger South Beach, but with less restrictions on women’s clothing......But I have loved every place we’ve been and can’t wait to see more.

I am happy to dodge the stresses of junior year in high school and instead I’m living my friends’ dreams.  After a while I have really missed the perks of America like air conditioning, refills on drinks, time with friends and family, and snacking. I miss my TV at home, and I especially miss watching Panther games.  But I have true friends that realize my struggle and know I have cheap parents that won’t buy a TV package, so they FaceTime me the games. Yes, I know it is desperate, but they are willing to do it—amazing.  Otherwise, I have had a great time making unforgettable memories with my family.  I can’t wait to make more and see incredible things. 


  1. Joseph,
    It's great to hear from you. You've answered many of my potential questions. ENJOY and LEARN.

  2. Can't believe the Panthers are 1-3! :( Glad you're having fun, Joseph!
